Diversity and Inclusion
We are far from done but we work everyday to do a little bit better. That we use anonymized candidate application is one part of that work!
Jenny Slotte Hassel, HR Managers Sweden
Our ambition
Feels welcomed and included as they are!
of our managers are women. Today we have 45% women. Close but not yet satisfied!
of our employees have international background. Today we are 8%. We want to improve so that we can reach our goal and mirror the market in which we operate (15-20 %)

How we do it
Being an inclusive company - caring for and being open to all employees regardless of their economic situation, age, gender, ethnicity, sexual identity, or disability - is the key for us to create leading services.
We try to achieve our ambitions in many ways. One way is by anonymizing candidate applications in our recruitment process. This means that recruiters are not able to see the name, gender, age, or pictures of the candidates applying for the job. We think that it is meant to reduce our own unconscious bias in the recruitment stage.
We are also working to increase knowledge about unconscious bias and the winnings of having a diverse team. We believe that knowledge is a success factor in order to reach our goals.
All employees shall have the same opportunities working for PayEx. Everyone shall feel welcomed, respected, heard and, appreciated. In addition, all our employees have their own responsibility to clearly distance themselves from all offensive acts.